Austin to Gladenbach | 5,270.23 mi (8,481.62 km) |
Austin to Glauchau | 5,413.50 mi (8,712.19 km) |
Austin to Glinde | 5,228.11 mi (8,413.83 km) |
Austin to Gluckstadt | 5,191.50 mi (8,354.92 km) |
Austin to Gnarrenburg | 5,191.45 mi (8,354.83 km) |
Austin to Goch | 5,147.87 mi (8,284.69 km) |
Austin to Goldbach | 5,321.18 mi (8,563.62 km) |
Austin to Goldenstedt | 5,192.03 mi (8,355.77 km) |
Austin to Gomaringen | 5,374.40 mi (8,649.27 km) |
Austin to Gommern | 5,340.20 mi (8,594.22 km) |
Austin to Goppingen | 5,386.45 mi (8,668.66 km) |
Austin to Gorlitz | 5,487.39 mi (8,831.10 km) |
Austin to Goslar | 5,296.14 mi (8,523.31 km) |
Austin to Gotha | 5,342.39 mi (8,597.74 km) |
Austin to Gottingen | 5,292.09 mi (8,516.80 km) |