Fairview Shores to Barmstedt | 4,693.65 mi (7,553.71 km) |
Fairview Shores to Barntrup | 4,708.12 mi (7,576.99 km) |
Fairview Shores to Barsbuttel | 4,713.99 mi (7,586.43 km) |
Fairview Shores to Barsinghausen | 4,715.60 mi (7,589.03 km) |
Fairview Shores to Barssel | 4,627.85 mi (7,447.81 km) |
Fairview Shores to Barth | 4,792.69 mi (7,713.08 km) |
Fairview Shores to Bassum | 4,673.43 mi (7,521.16 km) |
Fairview Shores to Baunatal | 4,736.77 mi (7,623.09 km) |
Fairview Shores to Bautzen | 4,940.68 mi (7,951.26 km) |
Fairview Shores to Bayreuth | 4,857.10 mi (7,816.75 km) |
Fairview Shores to Bebra | 4,758.64 mi (7,658.29 km) |
Fairview Shores to Beckingen | 4,664.92 mi (7,507.46 km) |
Fairview Shores to Beckum | 4,669.62 mi (7,515.02 km) |
Fairview Shores to Bedburg | 4,593.68 mi (7,392.81 km) |
Fairview Shores to Bedburg | 4,624.98 mi (7,443.19 km) |