Ferryhill to Bitonto | 1,254.52 mi (2,018.96 km) |
Ferryhill to Bitritto | 1,262.81 mi (2,032.29 km) |
Ferryhill to Bollate | 786.91 mi (1,266.40 km) |
Ferryhill to Bologna | 907.96 mi (1,461.22 km) |
Ferryhill to Bolzano | 798.10 mi (1,284.41 km) |
Ferryhill to Bomporto | 885.70 mi (1,425.40 km) |
Ferryhill to Bonate di Sopra | 791.22 mi (1,273.34 km) |
Ferryhill to Bondeno | 888.04 mi (1,429.16 km) |
Ferryhill to Bordighera | 859.02 mi (1,382.46 km) |
Ferryhill to Borgaro Torinese | 774.43 mi (1,246.33 km) |
Ferryhill to Borgo a Buggiano | 926.66 mi (1,491.31 km) |
Ferryhill to Borgo San Dalmazzo | 820.85 mi (1,321.03 km) |
Ferryhill to Borgo San Lorenzo | 940.25 mi (1,513.19 km) |
Ferryhill to Borgomanero | 761.37 mi (1,225.31 km) |
Ferryhill to Borgoricco | 869.20 mi (1,398.83 km) |