Fort Myers to San Maurizio Canavese | 4,912.38 mi (7,905.72 km) |
Fort Myers to San Mauro Pascoli | 5,159.65 mi (8,303.65 km) |
Fort Myers to San Mauro Torinese | 4,920.62 mi (7,918.97 km) |
Fort Myers to San Michele al Tagliamento | 5,142.03 mi (8,275.30 km) |
Fort Myers to San Miniato | 5,098.09 mi (8,204.59 km) |
Fort Myers to San Pancrazio Salentino | 5,517.03 mi (8,878.81 km) |
Fort Myers to San Pietro in Casale | 5,097.57 mi (8,203.75 km) |
Fort Myers to San Pietro Vernotico | 5,525.17 mi (8,891.91 km) |
Fort Myers to San Prisco | 5,329.40 mi (8,576.85 km) |
Fort Myers to San Remo | 4,951.18 mi (7,968.15 km) |
Fort Myers to San Salvo | 5,323.19 mi (8,566.85 km) |
Fort Myers to San Sebastiano al Vesuvio | 5,340.48 mi (8,594.67 km) |
Fort Myers to San Severino Marche | 5,217.98 mi (8,397.53 km) |
Fort Myers to San Severo | 5,363.57 mi (8,631.83 km) |
Fort Myers to San Valentino Torio | 5,352.95 mi (8,614.74 km) |