Garland to Beyne-Heusay | 4,984.59 mi (8,021.93 km) |
Garland to Bierbeek | 4,943.67 mi (7,956.07 km) |
Garland to Bilzen | 4,970.83 mi (7,999.77 km) |
Garland to Binche | 4,935.65 mi (7,943.15 km) |
Garland to Bissegem | 4,885.24 mi (7,862.03 km) |
Garland to Blankenberge | 4,865.40 mi (7,830.11 km) |
Garland to Blegny | 4,985.99 mi (8,024.17 km) |
Garland to Bocholt | 4,962.53 mi (7,986.42 km) |
Garland to Boechout | 4,922.13 mi (7,921.40 km) |
Garland to Bonheiden | 4,927.99 mi (7,930.84 km) |
Garland to Boom | 4,920.00 mi (7,917.97 km) |
Garland to Boortmeerbeek | 4,930.96 mi (7,935.62 km) |
Garland to Borgerhout | 4,918.42 mi (7,915.43 km) |
Garland to Borgloon | 4,966.54 mi (7,992.87 km) |
Garland to Bornem | 4,914.39 mi (7,908.94 km) |