Hoyland Nether to Barmstedt | 459.01 mi (738.71 km) |
Hoyland Nether to Barntrup | 453.40 mi (729.67 km) |
Hoyland Nether to Barsbuttel | 476.17 mi (766.32 km) |
Hoyland Nether to Barsinghausen | 462.19 mi (743.82 km) |
Hoyland Nether to Barssel | 379.47 mi (610.70 km) |
Hoyland Nether to Barth | 578.01 mi (930.22 km) |
Hoyland Nether to Bassum | 423.08 mi (680.88 km) |
Hoyland Nether to Baunatal | 482.86 mi (777.09 km) |
Hoyland Nether to Bautzen | 687.02 mi (1,105.65 km) |
Hoyland Nether to Bayreuth | 607.67 mi (977.95 km) |
Hoyland Nether to Bebra | 505.64 mi (813.74 km) |
Hoyland Nether to Beckingen | 450.51 mi (725.03 km) |
Hoyland Nether to Beckum | 415.11 mi (668.06 km) |
Hoyland Nether to Bedburg | 341.15 mi (549.03 km) |
Hoyland Nether to Bedburg | 379.71 mi (611.09 km) |