Cities | Distance |
Kehl to Beyne-Heusay | 171.68 mi (276.29 km) |
Kehl to Bierbeek | 207.58 mi (334.06 km) |
Kehl to Bilzen | 189.22 mi (304.52 km) |
Kehl to Binche | 207.05 mi (333.22 km) |
Kehl to Bissegem | 257.68 mi (414.70 km) |
Kehl to Blankenberge | 281.60 mi (453.20 km) |
Kehl to Blegny | 172.47 mi (277.56 km) |
Kehl to Bocholt | 205.73 mi (331.09 km) |
Kehl to Boechout | 232.12 mi (373.57 km) |
Kehl to Bonheiden | 224.65 mi (361.53 km) |
Kehl to Boom | 232.07 mi (373.49 km) |
Kehl to Boortmeerbeek | 221.11 mi (355.84 km) |
Kehl to Borgerhout | 236.55 mi (380.70 km) |
Kehl to Borgloon | 189.93 mi (305.66 km) |
Kehl to Bornem | 236.88 mi (381.23 km) |