Kothen to San Mauro Pascoli | 529.07 mi (851.45 km) |
Kothen to San Mauro Torinese | 497.08 mi (799.98 km) |
Kothen to San Michele al Tagliamento | 416.51 mi (670.32 km) |
Kothen to San Miniato | 559.54 mi (900.49 km) |
Kothen to San Pancrazio Salentino | 832.12 mi (1,339.17 km) |
Kothen to San Pietro in Casale | 487.68 mi (784.85 km) |
Kothen to San Pietro Vernotico | 831.30 mi (1,337.84 km) |
Kothen to San Prisco | 745.46 mi (1,199.71 km) |
Kothen to San Remo | 580.59 mi (934.37 km) |
Kothen to San Salvo | 683.42 mi (1,099.86 km) |
Kothen to San Sebastiano al Vesuvio | 763.17 mi (1,228.20 km) |
Kothen to San Severino Marche | 591.66 mi (952.18 km) |
Kothen to San Severo | 713.61 mi (1,148.44 km) |
Kothen to San Valentino Torio | 767.84 mi (1,235.72 km) |
Kothen to San Vendemiano | 405.24 mi (652.18 km) |