Lake Morton-Berrydale to Beyne-Heusay | 4,991.28 mi (8,032.69 km) |
Lake Morton-Berrydale to Bierbeek | 4,957.05 mi (7,977.61 km) |
Lake Morton-Berrydale to Bilzen | 4,973.73 mi (8,004.44 km) |
Lake Morton-Berrydale to Binche | 4,966.52 mi (7,992.84 km) |
Lake Morton-Berrydale to Bissegem | 4,918.92 mi (7,916.23 km) |
Lake Morton-Berrydale to Blankenberge | 4,889.30 mi (7,868.57 km) |
Lake Morton-Berrydale to Blegny | 4,990.48 mi (8,031.40 km) |
Lake Morton-Berrydale to Bocholt | 4,957.85 mi (7,978.88 km) |
Lake Morton-Berrydale to Boechout | 4,932.06 mi (7,937.38 km) |
Lake Morton-Berrydale to Bonheiden | 4,939.91 mi (7,950.01 km) |
Lake Morton-Berrydale to Boom | 4,932.92 mi (7,938.77 km) |
Lake Morton-Berrydale to Boortmeerbeek | 4,943.57 mi (7,955.91 km) |
Lake Morton-Berrydale to Borgerhout | 4,927.51 mi (7,930.06 km) |
Lake Morton-Berrydale to Borgloon | 4,973.13 mi (8,003.48 km) |
Lake Morton-Berrydale to Bornem | 4,928.65 mi (7,931.89 km) |