Lake Station to Barmstedt | 4,230.60 mi (6,808.50 km) |
Lake Station to Barntrup | 4,274.20 mi (6,878.66 km) |
Lake Station to Barsbuttel | 4,252.44 mi (6,843.63 km) |
Lake Station to Barsinghausen | 4,275.43 mi (6,880.64 km) |
Lake Station to Barssel | 4,182.07 mi (6,730.39 km) |
Lake Station to Barth | 4,309.09 mi (6,934.81 km) |
Lake Station to Bassum | 4,228.39 mi (6,804.93 km) |
Lake Station to Baunatal | 4,312.17 mi (6,939.76 km) |
Lake Station to Bautzen | 4,493.59 mi (7,231.73 km) |
Lake Station to Bayreuth | 4,441.31 mi (7,147.60 km) |
Lake Station to Bebra | 4,336.56 mi (6,979.01 km) |
Lake Station to Beckingen | 4,280.77 mi (6,889.23 km) |
Lake Station to Beckum | 4,243.77 mi (6,829.69 km) |
Lake Station to Bedburg | 4,175.57 mi (6,719.94 km) |
Lake Station to Bedburg | 4,216.97 mi (6,786.55 km) |