Lake in the Hills to Beyne-Heusay | 4,207.83 mi (6,771.85 km) |
Lake in the Hills to Bierbeek | 4,167.13 mi (6,706.35 km) |
Lake in the Hills to Bilzen | 4,193.71 mi (6,749.12 km) |
Lake in the Hills to Binche | 4,160.37 mi (6,695.47 km) |
Lake in the Hills to Bissegem | 4,109.84 mi (6,614.14 km) |
Lake in the Hills to Blankenberge | 4,089.12 mi (6,580.80 km) |
Lake in the Hills to Blegny | 4,209.08 mi (6,773.86 km) |
Lake in the Hills to Bocholt | 4,184.84 mi (6,734.85 km) |
Lake in the Hills to Boechout | 4,145.20 mi (6,671.05 km) |
Lake in the Hills to Bonheiden | 4,151.24 mi (6,680.78 km) |
Lake in the Hills to Boom | 4,143.27 mi (6,667.94 km) |
Lake in the Hills to Boortmeerbeek | 4,154.28 mi (6,685.67 km) |
Lake in the Hills to Borgerhout | 4,141.41 mi (6,664.95 km) |
Lake in the Hills to Borgloon | 4,189.66 mi (6,742.60 km) |
Lake in the Hills to Bornem | 4,137.72 mi (6,659.01 km) |