Lake in the Hills to Barmstedt | 4,236.18 mi (6,817.47 km) |
Lake in the Hills to Barntrup | 4,282.17 mi (6,891.49 km) |
Lake in the Hills to Barsbuttel | 4,258.08 mi (6,852.72 km) |
Lake in the Hills to Barsinghausen | 4,282.87 mi (6,892.61 km) |
Lake in the Hills to Barssel | 4,189.26 mi (6,741.97 km) |
Lake in the Hills to Barth | 4,312.66 mi (6,940.55 km) |
Lake in the Hills to Bassum | 4,235.53 mi (6,816.42 km) |
Lake in the Hills to Baunatal | 4,320.83 mi (6,953.70 km) |
Lake in the Hills to Bautzen | 4,499.88 mi (7,241.86 km) |
Lake in the Hills to Bayreuth | 4,450.39 mi (7,162.21 km) |
Lake in the Hills to Bebra | 4,345.37 mi (6,993.20 km) |
Lake in the Hills to Beckingen | 4,292.88 mi (6,908.72 km) |
Lake in the Hills to Beckum | 4,252.51 mi (6,843.75 km) |
Lake in the Hills to Bedburg | 4,185.14 mi (6,735.34 km) |
Lake in the Hills to Bedburg | 4,227.27 mi (6,803.14 km) |