Lewiston to Barmstedt | 3,492.01 mi (5,619.84 km) |
Lewiston to Barntrup | 3,518.14 mi (5,661.91 km) |
Lewiston to Barsbuttel | 3,513.03 mi (5,653.68 km) |
Lewiston to Barsinghausen | 3,523.08 mi (5,669.84 km) |
Lewiston to Barssel | 3,432.45 mi (5,523.99 km) |
Lewiston to Barth | 3,584.34 mi (5,768.44 km) |
Lewiston to Bassum | 3,478.63 mi (5,598.32 km) |
Lewiston to Baunatal | 3,550.99 mi (5,714.77 km) |
Lewiston to Bautzen | 3,746.81 mi (6,029.91 km) |
Lewiston to Bayreuth | 3,676.08 mi (5,916.08 km) |
Lewiston to Bebra | 3,574.12 mi (5,751.99 km) |
Lewiston to Beckingen | 3,497.56 mi (5,628.78 km) |
Lewiston to Beckum | 3,482.83 mi (5,605.07 km) |
Lewiston to Bedburg | 3,409.75 mi (5,487.46 km) |
Lewiston to Bedburg | 3,445.86 mi (5,545.58 km) |