Lighthouse Point to Barmstedt | 4,766.77 mi (7,671.37 km) |
Lighthouse Point to Barntrup | 4,775.55 mi (7,685.51 km) |
Lighthouse Point to Barsbuttel | 4,786.69 mi (7,703.43 km) |
Lighthouse Point to Barsinghausen | 4,784.18 mi (7,699.40 km) |
Lighthouse Point to Barssel | 4,698.07 mi (7,560.81 km) |
Lighthouse Point to Barth | 4,869.15 mi (7,836.13 km) |
Lighthouse Point to Bassum | 4,743.22 mi (7,633.47 km) |
Lighthouse Point to Baunatal | 4,802.23 mi (7,728.44 km) |
Lighthouse Point to Bautzen | 5,009.20 mi (8,061.54 km) |
Lighthouse Point to Bayreuth | 4,920.10 mi (7,918.14 km) |
Lighthouse Point to Bebra | 4,823.48 mi (7,762.63 km) |
Lighthouse Point to Beckingen | 4,723.11 mi (7,601.10 km) |
Lighthouse Point to Beckum | 4,735.75 mi (7,621.45 km) |
Lighthouse Point to Bedburg | 4,658.83 mi (7,497.66 km) |
Lighthouse Point to Bedburg | 4,688.00 mi (7,544.61 km) |