Lighthouse Point to Bingen am Rhein | 4,763.79 mi (7,666.59 km) |
Lighthouse Point to Birkenau | 4,806.28 mi (7,734.96 km) |
Lighthouse Point to Birkenfeld | 4,817.24 mi (7,752.59 km) |
Lighthouse Point to Bischofsheim | 4,782.76 mi (7,697.10 km) |
Lighthouse Point to Bischofswerda | 5,000.56 mi (8,047.63 km) |
Lighthouse Point to Bisingen | 4,841.00 mi (7,790.83 km) |
Lighthouse Point to Bissendorf | 4,732.04 mi (7,615.48 km) |
Lighthouse Point to Bitburg | 4,705.33 mi (7,572.50 km) |
Lighthouse Point to Bitterfeld | 4,913.54 mi (7,907.57 km) |
Lighthouse Point to Blankenburg | 4,854.59 mi (7,812.71 km) |
Lighthouse Point to Blankenfelde | 4,940.58 mi (7,951.10 km) |
Lighthouse Point to Blaubeuren | 4,876.80 mi (7,848.44 km) |
Lighthouse Point to Bleicherode | 4,846.36 mi (7,799.46 km) |
Lighthouse Point to Blieskastel | 4,749.91 mi (7,644.24 km) |
Lighthouse Point to Blomberg | 4,775.15 mi (7,684.87 km) |