Picayune to Barmstedt | 4,902.12 mi (7,889.20 km) |
Picayune to Barntrup | 4,932.36 mi (7,937.86 km) |
Picayune to Barsbuttel | 4,923.41 mi (7,923.47 km) |
Picayune to Barsinghausen | 4,936.57 mi (7,944.65 km) |
Picayune to Barssel | 4,845.20 mi (7,797.60 km) |
Picayune to Barth | 4,990.44 mi (8,031.34 km) |
Picayune to Bassum | 4,891.50 mi (7,872.11 km) |
Picayune to Baunatal | 4,966.12 mi (7,992.19 km) |
Picayune to Bautzen | 5,159.47 mi (8,303.36 km) |
Picayune to Bayreuth | 5,091.90 mi (8,194.61 km) |
Picayune to Bebra | 4,989.46 mi (8,029.76 km) |
Picayune to Beckingen | 4,914.47 mi (7,909.08 km) |
Picayune to Beckum | 4,897.83 mi (7,882.30 km) |
Picayune to Bedburg | 4,825.38 mi (7,765.70 km) |
Picayune to Bedburg | 4,862.13 mi (7,824.84 km) |