Prescott Valley to Barmstedt | 5,422.22 mi (8,726.22 km) |
Prescott Valley to Barntrup | 5,490.10 mi (8,835.46 km) |
Prescott Valley to Barsbuttel | 5,444.38 mi (8,761.89 km) |
Prescott Valley to Barsinghausen | 5,485.77 mi (8,828.49 km) |
Prescott Valley to Barssel | 5,391.80 mi (8,677.26 km) |
Prescott Valley to Barth | 5,476.99 mi (8,814.37 km) |
Prescott Valley to Bassum | 5,436.58 mi (8,749.33 km) |
Prescott Valley to Baunatal | 5,534.43 mi (8,906.80 km) |
Prescott Valley to Bautzen | 5,687.44 mi (9,153.05 km) |
Prescott Valley to Bayreuth | 5,665.40 mi (9,117.58 km) |
Prescott Valley to Bebra | 5,559.89 mi (8,947.78 km) |
Prescott Valley to Beckingen | 5,537.40 mi (8,911.58 km) |
Prescott Valley to Beckum | 5,468.04 mi (8,799.97 km) |
Prescott Valley to Bedburg | 5,409.44 mi (8,705.65 km) |
Prescott Valley to Bedburg | 5,457.31 mi (8,782.70 km) |