Rotherham to Rosolini | 1,389.08 mi (2,235.50 km) |
Rotherham to Rossano | 1,277.09 mi (2,055.28 km) |
Rotherham to Rottofreno | 757.64 mi (1,219.30 km) |
Rotherham to Rovato | 743.13 mi (1,195.95 km) |
Rotherham to Roverbella | 782.77 mi (1,259.75 km) |
Rotherham to Rovereto | 759.51 mi (1,222.31 km) |
Rotherham to Rovigo | 824.91 mi (1,327.56 km) |
Rotherham to Rozzano | 728.02 mi (1,171.64 km) |
Rotherham to Rubano | 806.32 mi (1,297.65 km) |
Rotherham to Rubiera | 816.56 mi (1,314.13 km) |
Rotherham to Ruffano | 1,305.49 mi (2,100.99 km) |
Rotherham to Russi | 869.71 mi (1,399.66 km) |
Rotherham to Rutigliano | 1,210.01 mi (1,947.33 km) |
Rotherham to Ruvo di Puglia | 1,186.61 mi (1,909.67 km) |
Rotherham to Sabaudia | 1,070.72 mi (1,723.16 km) |