Rotherham to Schaffhausen | 589.77 mi (949.14 km) |
Rotherham to Schlieren | 599.02 mi (964.02 km) |
Rotherham to Schubelbach | 625.64 mi (1,006.87 km) |
Rotherham to Schwyz | 625.03 mi (1,005.88 km) |
Rotherham to Sierre | 631.05 mi (1,015.57 km) |
Rotherham to Sion | 630.24 mi (1,014.28 km) |
Rotherham to Solothurn | 580.61 mi (934.40 km) |
Rotherham to Spiez | 613.48 mi (987.30 km) |
Rotherham to Spreitenbach | 595.54 mi (958.43 km) |
Rotherham to Stafa | 616.02 mi (991.39 km) |
Rotherham to Stans | 619.31 mi (996.68 km) |
Rotherham to Steffisburg | 607.94 mi (978.39 km) |
Rotherham to Stegen | 605.35 mi (974.21 km) |
Rotherham to Steinhaus | 610.59 mi (982.64 km) |
Rotherham to Suhr | 588.80 mi (947.59 km) |