Rotherham to Yesilyurt | 2,135.64 mi (3,436.98 km) |
Rotherham to Yesilyurt | 1,976.22 mi (3,180.42 km) |
Rotherham to Yigilca | 1,742.54 mi (2,804.35 km) |
Rotherham to Yildirim | 1,689.63 mi (2,719.19 km) |
Rotherham to Yildizeli | 1,997.54 mi (3,214.73 km) |
Rotherham to Yozgat | 1,927.83 mi (3,102.55 km) |
Rotherham to Yuksekova | 2,413.38 mi (3,883.96 km) |
Rotherham to Yumurtalik | 2,111.04 mi (3,397.39 km) |
Rotherham to Yunak | 1,853.76 mi (2,983.34 km) |
Rotherham to Yuregir | 2,082.26 mi (3,351.07 km) |
Rotherham to Yusufeli | 2,156.05 mi (3,469.83 km) |
Rotherham to Zara | 2,042.68 mi (3,287.38 km) |
Rotherham to Zile | 1,949.24 mi (3,137.00 km) |
Rotherham to Zonguldak | 1,734.48 mi (2,791.38 km) |
Rotherham to Abbots Langley | 125.83 mi (202.50 km) |