Rutherford to Annaberg-Buchholz | 4,010.64 mi (6,454.49 km) |
Rutherford to Anrochte | 3,798.31 mi (6,112.80 km) |
Rutherford to Ansbach | 3,954.24 mi (6,363.73 km) |
Rutherford to Apen | 3,733.43 mi (6,008.38 km) |
Rutherford to Apolda | 3,939.12 mi (6,339.40 km) |
Rutherford to Appenweier | 3,870.74 mi (6,229.36 km) |
Rutherford to Arnsberg | 3,793.53 mi (6,105.10 km) |
Rutherford to Arnstadt | 3,922.23 mi (6,312.23 km) |
Rutherford to Aschaffenburg | 3,876.46 mi (6,238.56 km) |
Rutherford to Ascheberg | 3,764.17 mi (6,057.85 km) |
Rutherford to Aschersleben | 3,915.23 mi (6,300.95 km) |
Rutherford to Aschheim | 4,035.63 mi (6,494.72 km) |
Rutherford to Asperg | 3,907.44 mi (6,288.42 km) |
Rutherford to Asslar | 3,831.23 mi (6,165.77 km) |
Rutherford to Attendorn | 3,793.66 mi (6,105.30 km) |