Rutherford to Barmstedt | 3,792.69 mi (6,103.74 km) |
Rutherford to Barntrup | 3,817.39 mi (6,143.49 km) |
Rutherford to Barsbuttel | 3,813.64 mi (6,137.47 km) |
Rutherford to Barsinghausen | 3,822.66 mi (6,151.98 km) |
Rutherford to Barssel | 3,732.35 mi (6,006.64 km) |
Rutherford to Barth | 3,885.73 mi (6,253.47 km) |
Rutherford to Bassum | 3,778.49 mi (6,080.89 km) |
Rutherford to Baunatal | 3,849.68 mi (6,195.46 km) |
Rutherford to Bautzen | 4,046.68 mi (6,512.50 km) |
Rutherford to Bayreuth | 3,974.17 mi (6,395.81 km) |
Rutherford to Bebra | 3,872.64 mi (6,232.42 km) |
Rutherford to Beckingen | 3,793.40 mi (6,104.89 km) |
Rutherford to Beckum | 3,781.61 mi (6,085.92 km) |
Rutherford to Bedburg | 3,708.07 mi (5,967.57 km) |
Rutherford to Bedburg | 3,743.50 mi (6,024.58 km) |