Cities | Distance |
Terni to Beyne-Heusay | 647.36 mi (1,041.82 km) |
Terni to Bierbeek | 681.68 mi (1,097.05 km) |
Terni to Bilzen | 665.00 mi (1,070.21 km) |
Terni to Binche | 674.25 mi (1,085.09 km) |
Terni to Bissegem | 723.24 mi (1,163.94 km) |
Terni to Blankenberge | 751.32 mi (1,209.13 km) |
Terni to Blegny | 648.25 mi (1,043.26 km) |
Terni to Bocholt | 681.33 mi (1,096.49 km) |
Terni to Boechout | 706.62 mi (1,137.20 km) |
Terni to Bonheiden | 698.83 mi (1,124.66 km) |
Terni to Boom | 705.91 mi (1,136.05 km) |
Terni to Boortmeerbeek | 695.19 mi (1,118.80 km) |
Terni to Borgerhout | 711.15 mi (1,144.49 km) |
Terni to Borgloon | 665.46 mi (1,070.96 km) |
Terni to Bornem | 710.31 mi (1,143.13 km) |