The Hague to Bingen am Rhein | 213.64 mi (343.82 km) |
The Hague to Birkenau | 258.99 mi (416.81 km) |
The Hague to Birkenfeld | 292.10 mi (470.10 km) |
The Hague to Bischofsheim | 227.45 mi (366.05 km) |
The Hague to Bischofswerda | 428.28 mi (689.25 km) |
The Hague to Bisingen | 330.50 mi (531.88 km) |
The Hague to Bissendorf | 163.81 mi (263.62 km) |
The Hague to Bitburg | 175.07 mi (281.75 km) |
The Hague to Bitterfeld | 343.06 mi (552.10 km) |
The Hague to Blankenburg | 283.95 mi (456.97 km) |
The Hague to Blankenfelde | 385.01 mi (619.61 km) |
The Hague to Blaubeuren | 350.17 mi (563.55 km) |
The Hague to Bleicherode | 271.45 mi (436.85 km) |
The Hague to Blieskastel | 235.05 mi (378.28 km) |
The Hague to Blomberg | 203.23 mi (327.07 km) |