Thisted to Lendinara | 829.74 mi (1,335.34 km) |
Thisted to Leno | 803.22 mi (1,292.65 km) |
Thisted to Lentate sul Seveso | 779.48 mi (1,254.46 km) |
Thisted to Lentini | 1,389.85 mi (2,236.74 km) |
Thisted to Leonforte | 1,359.88 mi (2,188.52 km) |
Thisted to Lequile | 1,226.25 mi (1,973.45 km) |
Thisted to Lerici | 891.52 mi (1,434.77 km) |
Thisted to Leverano | 1,226.58 mi (1,973.99 km) |
Thisted to Licata | 1,392.54 mi (2,241.07 km) |
Thisted to Limbiate | 785.10 mi (1,263.50 km) |
Thisted to Lipari | 1,308.91 mi (2,106.49 km) |
Thisted to Lissone | 783.89 mi (1,261.55 km) |
Thisted to Livorno | 928.87 mi (1,494.87 km) |
Thisted to Lizzanello | 1,227.28 mi (1,975.11 km) |
Thisted to Lizzano | 1,209.89 mi (1,947.13 km) |