Troutdale to Beyne-Heusay | 5,104.26 mi (8,214.51 km) |
Troutdale to Bierbeek | 5,069.71 mi (8,158.90 km) |
Troutdale to Bilzen | 5,086.78 mi (8,186.38 km) |
Troutdale to Binche | 5,078.62 mi (8,173.24 km) |
Troutdale to Bissegem | 5,030.76 mi (8,096.23 km) |
Troutdale to Blankenberge | 5,001.39 mi (8,048.95 km) |
Troutdale to Blegny | 5,103.53 mi (8,213.33 km) |
Troutdale to Bocholt | 5,071.09 mi (8,161.14 km) |
Troutdale to Boechout | 5,044.75 mi (8,118.74 km) |
Troutdale to Bonheiden | 5,052.55 mi (8,131.30 km) |
Troutdale to Boom | 5,045.52 mi (8,119.97 km) |
Troutdale to Boortmeerbeek | 5,056.21 mi (8,137.18 km) |
Troutdale to Borgerhout | 5,040.21 mi (8,111.44 km) |
Troutdale to Borgloon | 5,086.06 mi (8,185.21 km) |
Troutdale to Bornem | 5,041.18 mi (8,113.00 km) |