Vincent to Cortona | 6,228.36 mi (10,023.57 km) |
Vincent to Cosenza | 6,580.93 mi (10,590.99 km) |
Vincent to Cossato | 5,985.39 mi (9,632.55 km) |
Vincent to Costa Volpino | 6,033.43 mi (9,709.87 km) |
Vincent to Creazzo | 6,092.30 mi (9,804.61 km) |
Vincent to Crema | 6,044.49 mi (9,727.66 km) |
Vincent to Cremona | 6,067.82 mi (9,765.22 km) |
Vincent to Crevalcore | 6,125.15 mi (9,857.48 km) |
Vincent to Crispiano | 6,539.28 mi (10,523.95 km) |
Vincent to Crosia | 6,582.48 mi (10,593.48 km) |
Vincent to Crotone | 6,620.49 mi (10,654.64 km) |
Vincent to Cuneo | 6,025.61 mi (9,697.28 km) |
Vincent to Cuorgne | 5,977.60 mi (9,620.01 km) |
Vincent to Cusano Milanino | 6,018.99 mi (9,686.63 km) |
Vincent to Cutro | 6,619.07 mi (10,652.36 km) |