Weatherford to Beyne-Heusay | 5,035.82 mi (8,104.36 km) |
Weatherford to Bierbeek | 4,994.97 mi (8,038.63 km) |
Weatherford to Bilzen | 5,021.91 mi (8,081.99 km) |
Weatherford to Binche | 4,987.39 mi (8,026.43 km) |
Weatherford to Bissegem | 4,936.94 mi (7,945.23 km) |
Weatherford to Blankenberge | 4,916.79 mi (7,912.80 km) |
Weatherford to Blegny | 5,037.15 mi (8,106.51 km) |
Weatherford to Bocholt | 5,013.39 mi (8,068.27 km) |
Weatherford to Boechout | 4,973.28 mi (8,003.72 km) |
Weatherford to Bonheiden | 4,979.21 mi (8,013.27 km) |
Weatherford to Boom | 4,971.22 mi (8,000.41 km) |
Weatherford to Boortmeerbeek | 4,982.21 mi (8,018.09 km) |
Weatherford to Borgerhout | 4,969.54 mi (7,997.70 km) |
Weatherford to Borgloon | 5,017.71 mi (8,075.23 km) |
Weatherford to Bornem | 4,965.64 mi (7,991.42 km) |