Weatherford to Chaudfontaine | 5,036.38 mi (8,105.28 km) |
Weatherford to Chaumont-Gistoux | 4,997.49 mi (8,042.69 km) |
Weatherford to Chimay | 5,005.32 mi (8,055.28 km) |
Weatherford to Ciney | 5,026.35 mi (8,089.12 km) |
Weatherford to Colfontaine | 4,975.18 mi (8,006.78 km) |
Weatherford to Courcelles | 4,993.32 mi (8,035.97 km) |
Weatherford to Court-Saint-Etienne | 4,994.43 mi (8,037.76 km) |
Weatherford to Couvin | 5,011.69 mi (8,065.54 km) |
Weatherford to Damme | 4,924.76 mi (7,925.63 km) |
Weatherford to De Haan | 4,914.56 mi (7,909.22 km) |
Weatherford to De Panne | 4,903.58 mi (7,891.55 km) |
Weatherford to De Pinte | 4,947.11 mi (7,961.60 km) |
Weatherford to Deerlijk | 4,940.88 mi (7,951.58 km) |
Weatherford to Deinze | 4,943.27 mi (7,955.42 km) |
Weatherford to Denderleeuw | 4,967.48 mi (7,994.39 km) |