Weatherford to Holsbeek | 4,992.05 mi (8,033.92 km) |
Weatherford to Hooglede | 4,926.34 mi (7,928.18 km) |
Weatherford to Hoogstraten | 4,975.15 mi (8,006.73 km) |
Weatherford to Houthulst | 4,921.36 mi (7,920.16 km) |
Weatherford to Huldenberg | 4,989.82 mi (8,030.33 km) |
Weatherford to Hulshout | 4,986.84 mi (8,025.54 km) |
Weatherford to Huy | 5,023.70 mi (8,084.87 km) |
Weatherford to Ichtegem | 4,919.12 mi (7,916.57 km) |
Weatherford to Ieper | 4,923.16 mi (7,923.06 km) |
Weatherford to Ingelmunster | 4,934.79 mi (7,941.78 km) |
Weatherford to Izegem | 4,933.46 mi (7,939.64 km) |
Weatherford to Jabbeke | 4,920.10 mi (7,918.13 km) |
Weatherford to Jalhay | 5,049.73 mi (8,126.76 km) |
Weatherford to Jette | 4,977.49 mi (8,010.49 km) |
Weatherford to Jodoigne | 5,002.83 mi (8,051.27 km) |