Weatherford to Sprimont | 5,040.62 mi (8,112.09 km) |
Weatherford to Stabroek | 4,962.56 mi (7,986.47 km) |
Weatherford to Staden | 4,923.90 mi (7,924.25 km) |
Weatherford to Steenokkerzeel | 4,982.26 mi (8,018.17 km) |
Weatherford to Stekene | 4,954.68 mi (7,973.78 km) |
Weatherford to Strombeek-Bever | 4,976.61 mi (8,009.08 km) |
Weatherford to Temse | 4,963.81 mi (7,988.48 km) |
Weatherford to Ternat | 4,971.83 mi (8,001.39 km) |
Weatherford to Tervuren | 4,985.51 mi (8,023.40 km) |
Weatherford to Tessenderlo | 4,998.77 mi (8,044.75 km) |
Weatherford to Theux | 5,044.88 mi (8,118.95 km) |
Weatherford to Thuin | 4,994.15 mi (8,037.31 km) |
Weatherford to Tielt | 4,934.88 mi (7,941.93 km) |
Weatherford to Tienen | 5,002.40 mi (8,050.59 km) |
Weatherford to Tongeren | 5,023.01 mi (8,083.76 km) |