West New York to Sint-Gillis-bij-Dendermonde | 3,641.74 mi (5,860.81 km) |
West New York to Sint-Gillis-Waas | 3,637.22 mi (5,853.54 km) |
West New York to Sint-Job-in-'t-Goor | 3,653.25 mi (5,879.34 km) |
West New York to Sint-Joost-ten-Node | 3,657.26 mi (5,885.79 km) |
West New York to Sint-Katelijne-Waver | 3,657.81 mi (5,886.68 km) |
West New York to Sint-Kruis | 3,602.31 mi (5,797.36 km) |
West New York to Sint-Lievens-Houtem | 3,634.61 mi (5,849.35 km) |
West New York to Sint-Martens-Lennik | 3,649.06 mi (5,872.60 km) |
West New York to Sint-Michiels | 3,601.66 mi (5,796.31 km) |
West New York to Sint-Niklaas | 3,639.14 mi (5,856.63 km) |
West New York to Sint-Pieters-Leeuw | 3,653.55 mi (5,879.82 km) |
West New York to Sint-Truiden | 3,690.51 mi (5,939.30 km) |
West New York to Soignies | 3,651.60 mi (5,876.69 km) |
West New York to Soumagne | 3,718.69 mi (5,984.66 km) |
West New York to Spa | 3,726.63 mi (5,997.43 km) |