Winton to Sprimont | 5,544.47 mi (8,922.97 km) |
Winton to Stabroek | 5,463.87 mi (8,793.25 km) |
Winton to Staden | 5,443.09 mi (8,759.81 km) |
Winton to Steenokkerzeel | 5,489.39 mi (8,834.33 km) |
Winton to Stekene | 5,461.18 mi (8,788.91 km) |
Winton to Strombeek-Bever | 5,485.29 mi (8,827.72 km) |
Winton to Temse | 5,470.28 mi (8,803.56 km) |
Winton to Ternat | 5,482.71 mi (8,823.57 km) |
Winton to Tervuren | 5,494.45 mi (8,842.47 km) |
Winton to Tessenderlo | 5,498.20 mi (8,848.50 km) |
Winton to Theux | 5,546.82 mi (8,926.75 km) |
Winton to Thuin | 5,513.21 mi (8,872.65 km) |
Winton to Tielt | 5,450.98 mi (8,772.50 km) |
Winton to Tienen | 5,507.79 mi (8,863.93 km) |
Winton to Tongeren | 5,524.01 mi (8,890.04 km) |